
Get credit for the good work that you're doing, justify your budgets with impact ROI and optimize your portfolio to maximize every dollar invested.


A new approach to measuring corporate social impact outcomes

Make funding decisions based on Verified Impacts, not just relationships. The Impact Genome Registry streamlines the grantmaking and corporate investment process. Discover investments by their verified outcomes and beneficiaries. Simplify pre-funding reviews with standardized data and benchmarks. Forecast your ROI before you invest. In doing so, increase the social impact of every dollar you spend.

Get credit for S in the ESG

The S in ESG shouldn't be reporting on only risk mitigation, but instead you can get credit for your impact and alignment to UN Social Development Goals.

Use Impact Standards as a common language across your portfolio

Report the outcomes of your impact across your Employee Giving Programs, Grant and Community Investments and Volunteering.

Reduce grantee burden and level the playing field

By simplifying annual reporting, eliminating custom data collection and systemic funding bias.

“At Moody’s, we appreciate the value that standardized, rigorous, and comparable data adds to making better decisions—in our analysis and in assessing the success of our nonprofit partnerships. The Impact Genome strengthens our ability to drive social impact and connects directly to our leadership contributing to transparent and integrated financial markets.”

Arlene Isaacs-Lowe
Global Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Moody's Corporation, and President, Moody's Foundation.

How it works

The Impact Genome Registry enables the field to compare programs and combine research findings across the sector, so that we can begin to understand what works and why, and what is the true cost of impact. See how it can help you and your organization make an impact by joining the Registry today.

Step 01

Subscribe to Impact Genome Registry

To assess your total impact across grants, employee giving, volunteering and community investment.

Step 02

Discover new Impact Producers

Discover new impact producers that meet your impact priorities.

Step 03

Manage your Social Impact Investments

Begin managing your social impact investments, so can maximize the social impact of every dollar, all while supporting your nonprofit partners.


Subscribe to the Registry

Let the Impact Genome Registry help you maximize the social impact of every dollar you spend.

Join the Registry

Join the fast-growing global community of Impact Genome Registry nonprofits who are proudly producing over 10 million social outcomes annually.